Are aerosols allowed in the blue bag?


We still get asked this question from time to time. So if you’re wondering whether your deodorant container can go in the blue bag, you’re not alone. The short answer is: yes, aerosols are allowed in the blue bag. The fully accurate answer is: yes, empty aerosols are allowed in the blue bag, unless they count as household hazardous waste (HHW).

Which aerosols are NOT allowed in the blue bag?

There are several types of aerosols that are never allowed in with PMD, even if they’re empty. These are sprays that are classified as household hazardous waste, and there are still quite a lot of them around. It all depends on the contents of the aerosol:

  • engine oil and lubricants

Lubricants often come in an aerosol, such as the well-known WD-40 and other silicone sprays. These are always HHW!

  • fuels

These include ethanol, spirits, petrol, butane gas, propane gas, etc. For instance there are aerosols containing butane gas or propane gas that are intended as a refill for lighters, or as fuel for compact camping stoves. Fuel packaging, including in the form of an aerosol or spray, should never, ever go in the PMD bag: they should always be disposed of as household hazardous waste.

  • paint and varnish

Even if you’ve completely used up the paint, empty paint cans always count as HHW. This also applies to spray cans: spray paints, spray varnishes, etc. are always HHW!

  • glue

You probably tend to think of glue in terms of glue sticks or tubes – all of which are HHW by the way – but glue also comes packaged in an aerosol. So-called spray adhesives, like other packaging for glue, always count as HHW. Silicone tubes are HHW too.

  • pesticides en insecticides

Insect sprays and pesticides come in both metal aerosol cans and plastic sprays. In both cases they are household hazardous waste.

  • packaging with any of these pictograms

If you come across an aerosol can or spray showing any of these pictograms, it means that the packaging isn’t allowed in the blue bag, but is HHW.


Waarom mogen deze niet in de blauwe zak?

Gooi je Klein Gevaarlijk Afval in de blauwe zak, dan verhoog je de kans op een wezenlijk brandgevaar in opslagplaatsen, sorteercentra, etc. Dit leidt niet enkel tot significante schade aan installaties, maar ook gevaar voor de medewerkers. En dit gevaar is jammer genoeg al verschillende keren gebleken. Spuitbussen die KGA zijn moeten daarom apart worden ingezameld, zodat ze veilig kunnen verwerkt en gerecycleerd worden.

These sprays are not allowed in the PMD bag

Where should these aerosols be disposed of, then?

You can always take household hazardous waste to the recycling park. In some regions there are even mobile recycling parks that come to your local area on different dates. Keep your HHW aerosols along with other household hazardous waste items in a separate place until you visit the recycling park.


Which aerosols ARE allowed in the blue bag?

spuitbussen pmd

It’s simple: if the aerosol is not HHW, it can go in with PMD. So if your aerosol doesn’t fall into any of the above categories, you can confidently put it into the blue bag as soon as it’s empty. This includes empty deodorant cans. The same goes for aerosols of shaving foam, hairspray, all-purpose cleaner, stain remover, etc. Note that if you want to sort an aerosol that isn’t empty, it doesn’t belong with PMD! Aerosols that still contain product belong with HHW – even if they would count as PMD if it was empty.

Still unsure about how to dispose of an aerosol correctly? Type it in at the top of this page and find out the right sorting instruction immediately!


Still have a pertinent sorting doubt about a spray can? Enter it at the top of this page and discover sorting instructions right away!